Published: Jul 27, 2021

Appearances of Local Prolific Ewes in Semarang Regency Central Java Indonesia

69-76 Enny Tantini Setiatin, Sutiyono Sutiyono, Daud Samsudewa, Sutopo Sutopo, Yon Soepri Ondho

Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Boer x Local Goats Crossbred

77-83 Agus Budiarto, Agus Susanto, Gatot Ciptadi, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri, Moch. Aris Sunaryo

The Potential Uses of Curcumin and PMSG Hormones to Increase Egg Production of Muscovy Ducks through Increasing Estradiol Concentrations and Shortening Laying Rest Period

84-94 Dwi Gunadi, Rukmiasih Rukmiasih, Wasmen Manalu

The Balancing of Safflower Oil and Inositol to Intestinal Morphometric of Sentul Chicken

95-103 Modawy Abdelgader Albasheer, Ning Iriyanti, Ismoyowati Ismoyowati, Efka Aris Rimbawanto

Improving the Nutritional Values of Cassava Pulp through Supplementation of Selected Leaves Meal and Fermentation with Chrysonilia Crassa

104-110 Sugiharto Sugiharto, Endang Widiastuti, Turrini Yudiarti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Tri Agus Sartono

The Productivity of Non-AGP Broiler Small-Holder Businesses Based on Production, Economy and Social Demography

111-119 Bambang Rijanto Japutra, Ismoyowati Ismoyowati, Novie Andri Setianto

Understanding Motives of Indigenous Cattle Farmers Joining Farmers Group in Brebes Regency, Indonesia

120-126 Mochamad Sugiarto, Yusmi Nur Wakhidati, Oentoeng Edy Djatmiko, Syarifuddin Nur, Dyah Gandasari

Analysis of the Potential of Beef Cattle Business Development in Indramayu District

127-137 Fitri Dian Perwitasari, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra, Bambang Suwignyo, Rini Widiati