ANIMAL PRODUCTION (JAP) invites high-quality scientific research articles for publication in the coming issues. JAP's coverage focused on small scale livestock farming which includes all aspects of animal production: (1) production technology and management, (2) breeding and reproduction, (3) feed, feeding, and nutrition, (4) socio-economic aspect of animal production, and (5) post-harvest physiology and technology. The manuscript should be written in English and free from plagiarsm, manipulation of quotations, falsification/falsification of data, etc.



Original Articles: The papers should describe new and confirmed finding and have never been published or submitted for publication in any other scientific journals. Experimental procedures should be elaborated sufficient details for others to verify the work. Original articles are 5 to 10 printed pages (about 8 to 15 manuscript pages).


Short Communication. Short communication is suitable for reporting the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, or techniques. Short communications are 3 to 5 printed pages (5 to 7 manuscript pages).


Reviews. Reviews and perspectives covering topics of current issues of interest in animal production will be based on Editor's invitation to experts in a particular area. The style of the main sections need not conform to that of full-length original papers.



Authors are urged to submit papers electronically using the standard five-step OJS submission through our website Should you have any questions related to the submission, please kindly email us at - The manuscript should have a cover letter containing the title of the paper, the full name of the authors, and corresponding author's full address, telephone/fax number, and email address.



Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before or is under consideration for publication elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract). When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.



All manuscripts submitted will be reviewed by the Editors and members of the Editorial Board or qualified outside reviewers. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible and the Editor strives to return reviewers' comments to authors within 4 weeks. It is the author's responsibility to make the correction to the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewer/editors. The journal will not publish manuscripts that are not revised according to the suggestion of the editor/reviewer. Authors should return the revised manuscript within 14 working days as an email attachment.



All parts of the manuscript (including title, authors, and summary) should be written in one column, double space, using word processing compatible with MS Word. The font is Calibri size 11. Line numbers should be shown. Papers used are 210 mm X 297 mm HVS (A4), with a left margin of 3 cm and other margins of 2.5 cm. Page numbers should be written successively, located top-right of each page. The maximum number of pages of the manuscript is 15, including tables and figures.

              Original papers should be arranged as follow:

  1. TITLE should be informative, concise, and clear with no abbreviations
  2. Complete names of author/s, without abbreviation and titles. Except for the review article, the number of authors per title should be at least 2 authors.
  3. The name and address of the institution/s of the authors should be written completely without abbreviation. One of the authors should represent as the corresponding author along with a valid e-mail, phone/fax, and present address(es).
  4. ABSTRACT should be written in one paragraph, informative, and completely self-explanatory. The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words containing the topic, the scope of the experiments, significant data, major findings, and conclusions. No literature should be cited. About 5 keywords that provide index references should be listed. The abstract should be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia for Indonesian author(s), and in English for foreign author (s).
  5. INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem including background with relevant literature. The objective of the research should be clearly and expressively written. The introduction should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
  6. RESEARCH METHODS should be described in short but complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced or verified. This should include materials and instruments/tools, the protocol of the research, research/experimental design, observed variables, and the technique for data collection and analysis. Procedures and analysis methods should also be concise, and methods in general use need not detailed description. Previously published procedures should be cited and important modifications (if any) should be mentioned briefly.
  7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The description of research results should be clearly and precisely written. The result should be sufficiently explained and can be supported by tables, graphics, or figures. The discussion must be concise and appropriately interpret the results. It should explain the meaning and usefulness of the finding as an answer to the research problem. The discussion should be based on critical analysis supported by rigorous primary references. Please highlight the differences between your findings and the previous publications by other researchers. The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them.
  8. CONCLUSIONS. This should represent a concise conclusion of the research and must answer the objective of the study.
  9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Optional and should be in brief.
  10. LIST OF REFERENCES. It contains only a list of related literature cited by the authors in the paper, written alphabetically.  


Figures, graphs, and tables

Figures, graphs, and tables contain successive numbers and explanations (codes, abbreviations, and symbols) and are self-explanatory without reference to the text. The titles should be in clear short statements using valid international standardized units.  Animal Production requires original high-resolution images (not from photocopy or scan) along with permission to use them when included with articles for publication with a maximum width of 8.5 cm. The number and letters of graphs and figures should be in a 10-size font. The original data of the created graphs should be submitted. Figures, charts, maps, and photos should be provided in a digital format as separate files.


No less than 80% of the total cited literature should be in the form of papers published in national and international scientific journals. The suggested references are the most recent publications (within the last 10 years). Articles in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communication should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text. The other references can come from textbooks, proceedings, or other valid scientific sources. Information sources that come from online sites (internet) are allowed if the sources are trustworthy and accountable, such as research institution sites, universities, and governments. Private sites (blogs or the likes) are not allowed as references.



Electronic proofs will be sent to the corresponding authors as a pdf file (email attachment) Page proofs are considered the final version of the manuscript. No changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage except the typographical or minor errors. Corresponding authors have 7 working days to notify the editor for comments or any changes in the proof pages (via email), otherwise, the authors agree with the manuscript to be printed.



Generally, literature is cited by successively writing the names of authors, year of publication, title, editors (if any), the name of journals/books and publishers, cities where the journals or literature are published, and cited pages.


Authors. year. title of the article. the name of the journal (fully written or written in a valid abbreviation, volume (edition/issue): pages.    

Lawsoon HIJ, K Byrne, F Santucci, S Townsend, M Taylor, MW Bruford and GM  Hewitt. 2007. Genetic structure of European sheep breeds. Heredity. 99(6):620-631.

Chen P, P Ji, Zi Cao and SL Li. 2007. Effects of processing whole cottonseed on nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences16:537-542.



Authors, year, title of article In: Proceeding, location and date, editor (if any), Publisher (if any), pages.

Sumantri C, D Purwitasari,  A Farajallah dan A Anggraeni. 2006. DNA Microsatelite Diversity in Fries Holstein Dairy Cattle at Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak  Unggul (BBPTU) Baturraden. In: Proceeding of National Seminar on Animal Farming and Veterinary Technology. Bogor, September 2006. Pp:22-35 (in Indonesian with abstract in English)



Authors. Year. title of book, edition, name of publisher, city, number of pages.

Bearden HJ, JW Furguay and ST Willard. 2004. Applied Animal Reproduction. 6th ed., Pearson Education, New Jersey. 200 pages.



Authors. Years. Title of Chapter. In: Title of BookEditor/s. The name of publisher and city where the publisher is located. The pages of the chapter.

Emmans GS and I Kyriazakis. 1999. Growth and Body Composition. In: A Quantitative Biology of The Pig. I Kyriazakis (Ed). CABI Publishing. Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. Pp:181-198.



Authors. Year. title of thesis/dissertation. Thesis or Dissertation, Graduate School, University, City

Santosa SA. 2006. Construction of Non-Genetic Correction Factors Affecting Milk Production at BBPTU Dairy Cattle Baturraden. Thesis. Graduate School, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto. (In Indonesian with abstract in English)



Authors. Year. title of article. source or address of website. (accessed: date of access)

 Wilcox CJ, DW Webb and MA De Lorenza. 2003. Genetic Improvement of dairy cattle. http// (accessed: February 28, 2008).



Authors. Year. Title of Book in Indonesia, Volume. Translated by: name/s of translator/s: Original Title, name and city of publisher. The number of pages.

Pelczar Jr, MJ and ECS Chan. 1986. Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi. Vol. 1 and 2. Translated by: RS Hadioetomo, T Imas, SS Tjitrosomo and SL Angkasa: Elements of Microbiology. UI Press, Jakarta. 500 pages.



Abbreviation (Full name) of organization/institutionYears. Title. Name of publisher followed with the city of publisher.

NRC (National Research Council). 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. National Academy of Sciences, Washington.


Authors are suggested to use Reference Manager application of choices such as EndNote, Mendeley, or other similar available applications to avoid ghost references and inaccurate the cited reference and the list of references.

If you are using Reference Manager Application, download and install the reference style suitable with your Reference Manager Desktop Mendeley or EndNote