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The research was aimed to evaluate the effect of biogas liquid waste as a fermentation  starter of  rice husk to the nutrient content, gross energy and bulk density. The method  used laboratory experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) on factorial  pattern (6 x 5) with the level of biogas waste liquid : P0-treatment (0% negative control), P0+ (Cellulomonas sp as positive control), P1 (5%), P2 (10%), P3 (15%), P4 (20%) ml/g, and the incubation time :  T0 (0 day control ), T1(7 days), T2 (14 days), T3 (21 days)  and  T4 (28 days). The variables  measured was the content of ash, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, gross energy and bulk density.  Data were analyzed by  analysis of variance  (anova)  CRD  Factorial  pattern and if there is a significant  difference  was followed  by  Duncan's  Multiple  Range  Test. The results of research  was  the  level of biogas  liquid waste and the  incubation  time  provides a significant  influence (P<0.01) on the nutrient content, gross energy and bulk density of rice husk. The  interaction  level  liquid waste  provision  of  biogas  and incubation time was highly significant  (P<0.01) on  the nutrient content, gross energy and bulk density. It can be concluded that the  addition of biogas liquid waste 15% (ml/g) with a time of incubation  for 21 days have best rice husk quality content based on improvement of crude protein, crude fat, and gross energy with lowest crude fiber.


rice husk biogas liquid waste fermentation alternative feed

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How to Cite
Sjofjan, O., Adli, D. N., Djunaidi, I., & Kuncoro, K. (2020). Utilization of Biogas Liquid Waste For Starter In The Fermentation of Rice Husk As A Potential Feed For Poultry. ANIMAL PRODUCTION, 22(1), 24-30.


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